Music LoUnGe

Music LoUnGe 

This website is not created with WordPress as you can see, This is all coded to get this layout. The coding is done form both frontend and backend with the focus of capturing and organizing for easy access for the users.

We have used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Google API's as our frontend and MYSQL as our backend .Users can login to buy products ang get it delivered to there doorsteps.

If the Users are not yet register they can sign up to register and this will be authenticated via OTP sent to their mail.

Admin has a separate login page.

Musical Lounge has a different categories.

It has product navigation bar which has all the products.

In the contact page it shows the stores location through google map, social network links, stores location details and comment or message form from this we can message to the company email.

Admin has the access to add, delete, edit the products. He/she can also set the product quantities, discounts and set availabilities. The add products will automatically updated in the main page.

Customers will get the confirmation mail via email.

Customer can print Invoice as a proof. 

For the full view of the project can walk through the video 👇


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